Thursday, June 10, 2010

exam and accelerated math determination day

today we have determined the day that accelerated math is due (June 25) the friday after the exam which is on thursday MORNING!!! June 24.

Friday, June 4, 2010

"Work Period"

Today, is the last class until next Thursday where you have dedicated access to Mr. Maks and the computer. Make to start thinking about the exam, make sure to prepare your formula sheet, only one piece of loose leaf (paper).

Thursday, June 3, 2010

to day is the day you should start building ur formula sheet for the exam!!!
  • to do this you can check the blogg or even check the transfer

he is going to up date objectives today

blog emailneed to be sent asap!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010

Hey sorry for not posting on the blog last Friday, I was really busy with the dream room project. Last friday Mr. Maks said that we could have till Monday to had our projects in, but from there if you haven't handed it in, you will lose marks. Also last Friday, it was freezing in the room. Mr. Maks even had to wear his jacket. Someone commented that he was cold blooded, so he commented on poikilothermic vs. homeothermic. Everyone either worked on their dream room project or accerated math.

Work Period

Today was a "work period" we continued to work on accelerated math. Mr. Maksymchuk is starting a new unit tommorow called "Functions & Relations". Today is our last day to work on "Dream Room" projects, also he is here for tutoring tommorow after school.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Cool Game

to play this game you have to get the ball into any of the red open square.

if u want to go home and play just write dont the code at the bottom of the screen.


Here is a game that will hurt your brain to no extent when you cant remember what color was lit up next.


Boring Game

Chain Reaction is a very boring game but you can tell it's good for the brain because you only get one move that you have to plan out well.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Work Period

Today Mr.Maks reminded us that our everything spreadsheets are now overdue. He will be entering our everything spreadsheet marks in the computer in the coming days so if you aren't done the spreadsheet then now is the time to finish it. Mr.Maks also reminded us that Accelerated Math is getting down to the wire in the fact that we only have 4 of 5 weeks left to do it this semester. Our "Dream Room" projects are due next week. that is all today. Other than that it is a work period today. Our Exam is on THURSDAY JUNE 24 IN THE MORNING. IT WILL EITHER BE IN THE RESOURCE ROOM OR IN MR.MAKS ROOM